She also adds a few of her personal favorite options when she's feeling like eating something sweet. Here's some key points from the video:
● Now that you're exercising you'll be more hungry. It's perfectly normal, and don't worry about it.
● 3 healthy things to look for in a healthy snack are protein, fats and fibre.
● Protein helps satisfy
● Fats and fibre help slow digestion
● Feeling like something sweet? A fruit and a nut butter is a good option
● Smoothies or smoothie bowls are perfect
● Small protein shake
● A soup with wholemeal toast or an egg.
● Working in an office? Eggs cooked in a microwave with some spinach
● Working in an office? Take a boiled egg to work, with salad or carrots
● Working in an office? Take a boiled egg to work, with spinach or avocado.
● If you're vegetarian? Try hommus, or a bean dip with carrots, radishes and/or cucumber
● Avoid protein bars or protein balls but be careful it's not full of sugar
● Greek yogurt is one of Alanna's all time favorites. Have it with some fruit or muesli. It'll keep you feeling full and it's good for the gut
● Drink water. Drink water. Drink water: Apart from the obvious reasons... it will also also curb your hunger as sometimes hunger is confused with a lack of hydration.
● Mindful tip: Take your time when eating. Don't eat something you don't feel like eating.Savoir the food. Eat it slower.
Thanks Alanna!! We'll definitely be following this advice!
You can find the linked article Alanna wrote for us i28 Challengers here ... and find Alanna on Instagram @lanaeatingpositive